#81--Engagement Ring

Photographer Lee Ka-sing's friend may indeed have built "a small fishpond" at the foot of "one of those tall trees," but it's a fishpond you take, of pictorial necessity, on faith.  I love photographs in which you are told there are things in them you cannot actually see for yourself.  Photography and Faith.  Blink of Eye and Word of Mouth.

What I like here is the green oval at the lower left--which I assume is the rim of a green plastic pot in which the photographer's friend seems to have planted a bamboo tree.  But I divest myself straightaway of the pot or bucket.  I keep the green oval.  An oval is more magical than a circle and green is more vegetative than any other colour, and so I am more or less free to imagine the green oval as a portal--the mouth of a tunnel through which--who knows?--Alice's White Rabbit might appear from or disappear into.  The White Rabbit or one of those moldy denizens of the  Tolkien books.  Anyhow, the ring seems like a genuine garden secret.  Forget the pool.. . ..  .